1When four estranged brothers return home to say their last goodbye to their dying mother, Grace, hidden motivations reveal themselves.神挡杀神
1A contract killer, becomes the reverend of a LA church, until a cult leader and his minions kidnap his daughter. Blinded by vengeance, he cuts a blood- 一名女子在家进行DNA鉴定,发现自己拥有许多同父异母的手足,从而揭穿一桩涉及精子捐赠和知名生殖医学医师的惊人阴谋。
1Tom, a high school senior who is required by his father to find a new residence within 2 weeks, finds himself in a demanding relationship with a fashi跳跃国界
2阿札德的哥哥泰格许了一个大梦:他希望阿札德能在他们的祖国伊拉克,成为一位跳高冠军,甚至能成为一名世界冠军。可是在一次轰炸中,这两个男孩在逃命掩蔽时,泰格变得无法说话,而年少的阿札德现在必须要留意他哥哥的状况。 决定要让全家前往一个更安全的地方,男孩们的父母亲把他们送出伊拉克。在阴错阳差之下,男孩们却- 由Stanislav Barabas(1924-1994)导演的《灰鸽子之歌》(Piesen o sivom holubovi,1960年)于1961年5月首次公映,开了用意识形态上无可辩驳的主题(例如,斯洛伐克起义)来述说故事的先河。以往故事往往讲的生动,但拍摄手法的创造性仍待提高。《灰鸽子之歌》
- Porn has gone mainstream; the question is, can we handle it? This exploration of the intersection of sex and technology is told through the stories