1Netflix四集纪录片,五个来自印度最低种性的女孩,在一家为她们提供14年免费教育(2年学前+12)的住宿学校的成长过程。 算了一下,断断续续拍了八九年,有的从学前班跟拍到初中,有的从初中跟拍到进入社会工作。这所叫做Shanti Bhavan 的学校,创办人是一个美籍印度商人,在49岁的时候- When a school teacher goes missing after a risqué video of her is posted on the internet, a police officer is huo87.com tasked with uncovering the t
3Tells a story of people in a small town of Schwarzwald, dragged by history through the events of 30's and 40's of the last century. How to rec